This is the nation’s most
innovative collaboration
in cannabis research...

The Institute of Cannabis Research (ICR) was established in 2016 at Colorado State University Pueblo becoming the first multi-disciplinary cannabis research center at a regional, comprehensive institution of higher education.
The ICR supports and facilitates unbiased and innovative cannabis research in wide-ranging areas in the sciences, medical (including basic and clinical research), economic impacts, the social sciences, and other areas. In addition to its research efforts, the ICR also supports the dissemination of cannabis research results through various mechanisms, including this annual conference, the publication of the Journal of Cannabis Research, and a monthly webinar series.
For more information about ICR, visit csupueblo.edu/institute-of-cannabis-research.

OSU’s Global Hemp Innovation Center is home to the world’s leading experts in hemp research. The largest of its kind in the nation, it promises to advance the research of hemp and its market potential across multiple diverse industries and research fields to serve the growing international demand for innovative approaches to food, health, and fiber.
For more information about the OSU Global Hemp Innovation Center, visit agsci.oregonstate.edu/hemp.